My Christmas List
Approaching 60 usually means you struggle to put anything on your Christmas list. When family asks you “what do you want for Christmas” it is usually a struggle to come up with anything that you really want or need. On the flip-side, when I ask our 5-year-old grandson what he wants, the list is rather endless. I think he literally circled 50% of the toys in the Target catalog sitting in our family room. It is fun to see how excited he and his brother are about Christmas. They make it so much more fun.
If I say “just get me golf balls” that is usually followed with an eye roll. Even though I always need golf balls. On a side note, where do all the golf balls go? How many have I purchased and lost over the course of my life? They keep making millions every year and millions of golfers keep losing them. For another day.
Nikki and I took a quick trip to the beach to celebrate our anniversary and I found a good spot to make my Christmas list. If I got all of these things this year, it would truly be a wonderful Christmas.
Contentment for our children. We always want more, but I hope they feel happiness with what they have. An appreciation for life, partners, and opportunities that give them the solid foundation we all need to find a sense of inner peace in our lives.
Opportunities to continue to build key friendships in our life. We are blessed with many people that have become so important to us and have made our lives so much better. I wish to continue to build these relationships.
More opportunities to do really good work. As I get older, I find it even more important to invest my time in clients and projects that really give us an opportunity to do meaningful work and an opportunity to truly make a difference.
4. More fun times with these two dandies!
We are truly blessed and we need to remember that over the holidays. Our children are all healthy and doing well. I am very proud of all of them. They have seen lots of change over the past few years: new jobs, new homes, new adventures and they have tackled them all with success. 2024 will be exciting with a new son-in-law that we already love “officially” joining our family, a college graduation, and other new adventures we are not even aware of yet.
Items on my “selfish” Christmas list for 2024 are:
A couple special getaways with Nikki.
More rounds of golf with Garret.
To hold myself together as I walk Chelsey down the aisle.
Lea lands a job with an interior design firm.
Make my first hole in one.
My final item on my list is that all of you that read this blog have health, happiness, and contentment over the holidays. I hope you experience God’s loving grace and share it with those that you love.